CNRS UMR 8231 Chimie Biologie Innovation (CBI)

Welcome to MMN
Microfluidics, MEMS, Nanostructures Group
The MMN group, created in 2001, centers its activity on microfluidics, which is the study and manipulation of single or multiphase fluid flows in systems with typical dimensions on the micron scale. Microfluidics, is expanding quite rapidly, stimulated by an impressive number of applications in chemistry and biology.
The activity of the group is based on a balance between investigating fundamental issues (such as interface dynamics, slippage phenomena, and complex fluid flows) and performing studies dedicated to particular applications, in collaboration with industrial partners and colleagues from other fields – often biology and chemistry.
The MMN Group is now part of the CNRS UMR 8231 Chimie Biologie Innovation (CBI) laboratory.
MMN LAB /IPGG (6th Floor)
6 rue Jean Calvin
75005 Paris