COVIDISC : test de diagnostic rapide du SARS-CoV-2

Highly performing portable nucleic acid based diagnostics for COVID19
Will appear soon in MedRxiv..A preview is available here. Abstract : In order to respond to the urgent request of massive testing,...

Thesis defense of Hubert Geisler 22/01/2020
Hubert geisler will defend her PhD thesis entitled "Structuration d'hydrogels thermoactivables pour l'annalyse de cellules uniques." The...
Internship Offer
New Job Offer for an internship with our partner, Schlumberger https://www.mmnlab.com/joboffer

La physique du petit monde
Patrick Tabeling and his theatre company* are glad to invite everyone to their play: "La physique du petit monde", at le théâtre de La...

Thesis defense of Marine Truchet
Marine Truchet will defend her PhD thesis entitled "Microfluidic particles for the encapsulation of hydrophilic therapeutic peptides."...

New article on PNAS!
Joshua Ricouvier, Patrick Tabeling, and Pavel Yazghur have just recenty published a paper on PNAS ! "Foam as a self-assembling amorphous...

Controlling droplet generation
Patrick Tabeling and collaborators in the group of Alexander Leshansky (Technion-IIT, Israel) have just recently published a paper...

To stick or not to stick... that is the question.
Patrick Tabeling's group in collaboration with his former post-doc, Cesare Cejas, has recently published an article underlying the...